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Earth Prayers Letter- July 2024

Dear ones! ❤️

First and foremost, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Sandra Schalamun for the many beautiful Earth Prayers letters she has gifted us! Sandra is taking a break this summer and will then see if the call to be active as a writer for Earth Prayers becomes clear again or if other things arise that need to be done and lived. ❤️ Sandra has planted seeds of love, appreciation, and gratitude in many of us and has connected us month after month with our hearts and the projects supported by Earth Prayers as a community. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear Sandra! These are the most precious seeds that have been sown and are already blooming as plants in various places!

Even though it is difficult for me to let you go (at least for now), I greatly appreciate and value that you are following your inner call! On behalf of the Earth Prayers team, the supported projects, and all the people who support with donations, I say thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear Sandra!

We are now shifting the scene to Kenya. I would like to extend my words of respect, support, and sympathy to the Kenyan people, who in recent days have come together with much strength, heart, and non-violence to the streets to prevent further impoverishment through additional taxes. Unfortunately, many people lost their lives due to police violence. May these brave souls have a good journey to their next tasks, and may their service positively impact life in Kenya in the future. 🙏❤️🙏

I would also like to share a few words about the development of Earth Prayers with you today. Six years ago, while I was in Bodh Gaya, India, at a Vipassana retreat, I received the inspiration for this movement. Since then, much water has flowed down the Ganges. Many wonderful souls have joined the initiative, whether in association work or as people who support with financial contributions. Many projects have been supported, funds have flowed, and hearts have been touched. I am very grateful for all that has already happened here thanks to all of us. I dare to say that Earth Prayers is a beautiful project of peace, connection, exchange, and raising awareness. ❤️

We are particularly active in Latin America and Africa. These are two regions of the earth that have suffered greatly under European colonialism. Although we were no longer involved in this colonialism, its effects are still often very palpable today. With Earth Prayers, we find ourselves in a space of healing, of meeting each other at eye level, of appreciating and inspiring each other. Without a doubt, exploitation still happens today, at least on an economic level, which is directly built on the seeds of cruel colonization. In other words, the field is still very charged, rightly so, and the potential for healing is great.

I am sure that there is a constant exchange between all regions of this earth. On the level of hearts, on the level of spirituality, on the level of matter, etc. We complement each other, enrich each other; ultimately, we are humans who all carry slightly different, unique puzzle pieces within us, thus completing the masterpiece of creation. We complement each other. Every peaceful, benevolent, and constructive exchange between peoples, nations, and cultures is, in my opinion, worth its weight in gold.

And now, before we get to the projects we are supporting together this month, we would like to share some pictures from our Earth Prayers event in June at the Babaji House. There was an opportunity to get to know us. We talked about beautiful projects that we have already supported together. Peninah told us about her initiatives in Samburu, Kenya, which we support repeatedly. Food and drink were provided. At the end, I had the honor of playing a few songs for us all. We were able to immerse ourselves in connecting sounds and sing and dance to them.



🌞 1.7.-7.7. *Sustainable Agriculture* The Sanctuary of the Bees ~ Sacred Valley of the Incas, Peru ❤️

Some of you are already familiar with this enchanting project, as it has been successfully supported by Earth Prayers.

Alicia and Federica take care of the well-being of currently 19 beehives in the Sacred Valley in the Andes, at the "Sanctuary of the Bees." They see it as their mission to help bees regain their strength, thus making an immensely important contribution to the preservation of biodiversity, plant diversity, and food security. Their work also involves raising awareness in schools about the importance of bees, giving schoolchildren the opportunity to experience the nature and work of bees firsthand. Since 2017, Alicia and Federica have also been offering women's circles at the Sanctuary of the Bees. Another area of their work is the production of natural medicine and natural cosmetics. Since they aim to strengthen the bees, they only harvest honey when a minimum amount of honey remains for the hive.

It is a precious gift to be able to come so close to the bees in such a powerful place and gain awareness of how important bees are to our ecosystem.

They have already had to move twice with the bees. Now it’s time for another move. A plot of land has been found and purchased in the Sacred Valley of the Incas. Here are the current wishes for the Sanctuary of the Bees. The total implementation cost is around 10,000 Euros. We would like to contribute vigorously!

"We were finally able to buy a piece of land to develop our project.

For our safety, the safety of the bees, and the neighbors, we want to fence the property, which is close to the hives and faces the road. The fencing measures 133 meters, and the cost is 130 Soles per meter, totaling 17,290 Peruvian Sol.

After that:

- We want to plant climbing and honey plants that will not only provide a green screen but also food for bees and other pollinators in the area, such as hummingbirds, bumblebees, wild bees, and butterflies. We aim to plant around 50 plants, including jasmine, honeysuckle, ivy, passionflowers, bellflowers, and others, at a cost of 1,250 Sol.

- Installation of water and electricity: 12,000 Sol.

- Improvement of the land, construction of terraces to adapt the space for the hives, creating paths and stairs: 10,000 Sol."

Let these pictures of the Santuario de las Abejas (The Sanctuary of the Bees) in the Sacred Valley of the Incas speak for themselves!

🌞 8.7.-14.7. *Nature & Culture* Mobile Sweat Lodge ~ Mérida, Venezuela ❤️

Natalia and Eduardo are a couple passionate about sharing the medicine of the sweat lodge in Mérida and the surrounding areas, helping people follow their heart's path. Some people in Europe are familiar with the sweat lodge tradition of the Lakota Indians of North America. Eduardo and Natalia have not learned from a Lakota Indian. Eduardo experienced sweat lodges in Venezuela and was deeply touched by this spiritual practice from the start. He followed his intuition, developed these experiences for himself, and now, together with his partner Natalia, shares the experience of the sweat lodges.

The two are now seeking support for some materials that will make it easier for them to set up and dismantle sweat lodges in the future. These include cotton cloths and 74 meters of 3 cm thick rods. They would appreciate support amounting to $500 to achieve their goal.

They are already very active. Our support will add even more strength to their work and efforts! Sweat lodges undoubtedly have the potential to bring people into their hearts and their power, reminding us of our mission in this life. As the Earth Prayers family, we are happy to support this wholeheartedly!

These are words Natalia shared with us: "We want to bring the tradition of the wonderful sweat lodge ceremony to many places, thereby expanding the network of healing and the awareness that a life full of joy and abundance is possible."

Let's also be inspired by some photos from Eduardo and Natalia's past sweat lodges! ❤️

🌞 15.7.-21.7. *The Empowered Woman* Making Sanitary Pads at Magarini Children Center ~ Kenya ❤️

In April 2024, I had the joy and honor of visiting the Magarini Children Center and meeting the founder of this initiative, Emmanuel Karisa, on the coast of Kenya, not far from Malindi. At a concert in Ulm in February, Barbara mentioned this project to me and suggested it might be a good idea to get to know Emmanuel. Following this impulse, I was deeply touched by what I saw and felt there.

Many children and teenagers attend school here. A fixed part of the curriculum is dealing with animals and plants. The children at this school learn about organic farming and animal husbandry. On the agricultural land around the school, the children and teenagers not only learn about growing maize, beans, tomatoes, etc., but also about the warm and responsible handling of the resources of our Mother Earth.

Emmanuel gave birth to this vision here, and since the founding of the Magarini Children Center, it has been important to create space and security for orphans and children from very poor backgrounds. Now, they want to start producing sanitary pads on-site to prevent girls from missing school due to shame from a lack of pads. The sewing machine is already there. Now it’s about financing the necessary fabrics for the pads so the project can start. We are happy to support this wholeheartedly!

Since there is a man here who speaks excellent German, German is also taught at the Magarini Children Center. Furaha lived in Germany for many years and knows how to teach German to the children. However, there are currently no textbooks. We would also like to support the procurement of German textbooks!

🌞 22.7.-28.7. *Development for Children* Sports & Education for the Growth of Children ~ Samburu, Kenya ❤️

In 2023, I had the opportunity to get to know the Lmartin People's Association in Suguta Marmar, Samburu. This organization focuses on preserving culture, creating jobs through beekeeping, and promoting children and youth, including through sports. Lmartin is a subgroup of the Samburu tribe, known as Ltorobo among the Samburu, which has long been overlooked by the government, resulting in a persistent lack of opportunities. Justinah Lenges and her husband founded the Lmartin Peoples Association for this reason. We want to support this project in promoting culture, agriculture, and children!

Now, the goal is to support children in going to school and practicing sports, in collaboration with the Lmartin People's Association. In this first phase, they would greatly appreciate 1,200 Euros. This amount will be used to purchase 30 sports kits, 2 footballs, 2 kits for the trainers, 38 school bags, 39 notebooks, 56 pens and sharpeners, 14 sketchbooks, 100 storybooks, and 40 school uniforms.

In Kenya, wearing a school uniform is mandatory. Often, the barrier to education is that parents cannot afford a school uniform and the necessary school supplies. Here are some photos that depict the work of this association and touch our hearts.

🌞 29.7.-4.8. *Holistic Health* Support for Herbal Medicine Production and Roof Repair ~ La Azulita, Venezuela ❤️

Modanys is a wise woman living in the mountains of Venezuela. She has dedicated decades to her spiritual development and her love for plants, essential oils, and the production of natural herbal cosmetics. She wishes to bring her wisdom and plant expertise back into the world. During our conversation, I was deeply touched by the wisdom and love that Modanys radiates. The economic conditions in Venezuela are currently very challenging. I believe it is invaluable to support this wise woman in her endeavors! Modanys lives in simple conditions, surrounded by pristine nature. Let’s hear directly from Modanys.

"Brothers and sisters of the Earth Prayers initiative, I greet you from the blue mountains of Venezuela and send you all my blessings. I am Modanys, a researcher of plants, flowers, and their healing properties for the mind, body, and soul. I have always focused on healing through plants, and for that, I plant them, take care of them, and process them, but I currently feel very restricted because I lack the necessary resources to continue this healing project that I have always pursued through scents and essential oils.

I have lived in the mountains of Azulita Merida, Venezuela, for 45 years. I am a therapist, astrologer, and have raised three children here as a single mother. I have helped many young people graduate, and I have studied Traditional Chinese Medicine and Radiesthesia.

Currently, my house is not in a condition to actively run my work and botanical laboratory. Therefore, I am asking for support to make the roof watertight and to buy materials for the distillation of plants and flowers. For this, I need flasks, alcohols, fixatives, and other raw materials for the production of medicines and herbal cosmetics.

To repair the roof and buy the materials for my work, I would need an amount of $1500. This would enable me to fully realize my potential again. I feel very fit for my age and am in good health and wish to share my knowledge, experience, and wisdom with others. Young people love to come to me to learn from me. I am very grateful that you want to support me and for promoting beautiful things around the world! All the best! Modanys"

Sometimes pictures speak more than a thousand words. Here is Modanys in her element, her laboratory, and the leaky roof.


Now, let’s talk about the figures for the month of June. We have been able to provide significant support once again. Three projects received additional support from a wonderful, generous woman, which is why they received such a high level of assistance! Heartfelt thanks on behalf of the supported projects! ❤️

Thank you for your time and interest! Thank you for nourishing visions with us all around the world and dedicating yourself with us to the seven life realms of the Earth Prayers Wheel!

With love,


for Earth Prayers



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