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Earth Prayers Letter* January 2024

Dear ones!

Freshly arrived in the new year, I am delighted to write to you again about our wonderful projects 😊 This time, too, it was a very touching journey to connect with the people and their special work. There is so much that I want to see blossom in the world for myself and accessible and livable for many people ❀

The beginning of January always feels like a large, open, bright space for me, every year.

A space into which I let flow and receive what life wants to bring me. Nourished by my intentions and prayers. I am curious about what will take shape in this year through my decisions and actions.

The new year is unfolding. And we are shaping it too. We are the co-creators of our daily experiences and the lives of our fellow beings.

May the people we support with Earth Prayers be an inspiration for all of us to sense our own heart's desires and bring them into the world!


🌞 1.-7.1. *Empowered Woman* Birth Village Ruruchay ~ Peru ❀

We want to dedicate the first week of January to the magnificent Birth Village in the Sacred Valley of the Incas.

Time and again, we support the essential work of the traditional midwife Ruro, who unwaveringly follows her path, touching, enriching, and gifting many people with her presence.

One of our donors generously contributed 1500 euros in the last call. Ruro was deeply moved, as this marked the starting point for the ongoing project.

The construction of the next birthing house has begun. It will have three birthing rooms on the ground floor and a birthing preparation or workshop room on the first floor.

Furthermore, the installation of a water tank is planned.

Ruro has become known for conducting rituals for deceased children. This involves women who have lost their child during pregnancy or afterward coming to Ruro to ritually connect once again with the soul of that being. Each of these women plants a tree representing this soul. The word has spread, and many now come to Ruruchay for this connection with their lost child, finding solace and support in the healing ritual to cope with their experiences.

Ruruchay is intended to be fully greened with trees and plants, serving as a reminder to birthing women of their own nature. The property is approximately 6400 square meters. To irrigate the somewhat dry location and care for the plants, a water tank and irrigation system are needed.

Ruro is sincerely grateful for the support received so far and for our ongoing assistance.

We are also very thankful for what is happening there!

Here are pictures from the groundbreaking of the next birthing house:

Since Ruro has sent us many beautiful photos from a celebration and gathering with other midwives, here's a small album for you:

Enjoy browsing! 😊


🌞 8.-14.1. *Free Development For Children* Waldnest ~ Austria ❀

For the second week of January, we have chosen a wonderful project on the edge of the forest near Graz, Austria. 🙂

In Mariatrost, there is a very special place initiated and created by the young, two-time mom, Elisabeth Hutter.

"We start with the little ones because we believe that the impact of nature can unfold in a very special way for them. And, of course, because we love children!

We are convinced that conscious and mindful time in nature and respectful interaction with each other shape children (and adults!) for their entire lives. In this way, we want to contribute to a society that reconnects more: with nature and with each other. So that all beings on this earth, as well as all future generations, have a fulfilled and joyful life."

Children can slip into Waldnest from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm. What does a day look like there?

"At the morning meeting point, we say goodbye to the parents and walk together to Waldnest. In the morning circle, we greet each other and the forest, its animals, and plants. Soon it's time for the brought snack. We gather at the table or in a circle, tell each other what is currently moving us, or simply listen to the forest. After the snack, free playtime begins. There is much to discover: crawling beetles, the warning calls of songbirds when the buzzard circles above us. The rustling in the bushes - was that a mouse...?

Depending on what nature and the seasons have in store for us, there may be a crafting offer or a group game, or we go exploring together in the area or tinker or play in the sand and earth pile.

After the communal lunch, we have earned a break. Quiet time begins. We read a book or make ourselves comfortable in the hammock or on the picnic blanket. In the end, there is a short closing circle. Then it's back to the parking lot, where the parents are already waiting for us."

How can we actively support Waldnest?

"With children aged 3 to 6, we spend 5 hours outdoors in nature every day - all year round and in all weather conditions. So far, a tipi and the horse farm have provided shelter in storms, hail, and more.

To keep us warm during snack times, even in sub-zero temperatures, we have found shelter in our new construction trailer this winter."

Now it's about financing the furnishings of the construction trailer as well as new material for the children (children's tools, climbing ropes, carabiners, and more).

Waldnest would be very grateful for your support! And we are delighted that this beautiful, sustainable project exists!

Thank you, dear Eli, for consistently walking your path for years, despite all obstacles, to offer our children this place that you have long carried in your heart ❀

In addition to the forest kindergarten group, there are also the Forest Ranger Gang, parent-child groups, and camps.

Learn more about it here on the Waldnest website:"


🌞 15.-21.1. *Holistic Health* Sumak Kawsay, Construction of a Free School ~ Peru ❀

"We are about 60 families who want to establish a different school in the Sacred Valley of the Incas. A school where our children can learn much more than traditional education, and where parents and children together remember the Good Life."

With these words, the team around Albert Cavero and Lucia Hernandez approached us in the summer. Their school, Sumak Kawsay ("The Good Life"), is located in Cusco. They want to contribute to more equal opportunities for children and a harmonious society in an ecologically sustainable world.

The opening of their project was in 2021. Currently, they are in a rented building and soon in their own school, which they are currently constructing on a seven-thousand-square-meter plot. A very special aspect is the implementation of sacred geometry: an architectural structure as nature demonstrates. The halls will be geodesic domes, similar to a beehive.

The construction of the school is nearing the completion of Phase 1, with the remaining 1000 euros needed to finish. For Phase 2, an additional 9000 euros are needed for labor and building materials to create more classrooms and a garden.

We want to support the team in building this alternative school and serving many people!

Here is a beautiful video:

More information and photos can be found here on our website:


🌞 22.-28.1. *Heart's Desires* Judo Club ~ Venezuela ❀

For this project, I'd like to begin by sharing a short video:

"We are very impressed by this initiative," says Philipp.

"Especially in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, many teenagers easily fall into criminal activities. There are many reasons for this, such as poverty, lack of prospects, easy access to drugs, violence in society, and more. That's why it is beautiful and valuable to promote access for children and teenagers to sports like Judo. They are motivated and grow physically and emotionally through being together, training, and discipline."

The Judo Club, named "Judo Club Miranda La Fortaleza," was founded in 2016 by Marcos FalcĂłn.

"In this club, we strive to impart certain values and principles to our athletes. With the intention of keeping children and teenagers away from laziness and bad habits, motivating them through sports, and strengthening their character. And thus, to educate men and women who contribute to their social environment," Marcos tells us.

"Many athletes trained in this school have represented our country in other parts of the world. This is a source of pride for us, as we are committed to promoting and supporting these children and teenagers to achieve their goals.

Since its founding, the club has supported many people who do not have the economic means to afford, among other things, a Judo uniform.

We would like to ask for your support for the renovation of our Judo hall (Dojo) as well as materials for training, such as jump ropes, uniforms, and bands for body exercises."

Marcos has provided us with a detailed list of the required materials. In total, 1113 Euros are needed.

We want to support the Judo Club together with your help to provide the necessary funds!"


🌞 29.1.-4.2. *Free Seeds* Samburu Agriculture ~ Kenya ❀

For this project too, we have an interesting video for you. It shows the Samburu women building a traditional Manyatta (wood-mud hut). The construction of the Manyattas is part of Peninah's project to support the women of her tribe in their empowerment. At the same time, she is committed to protecting the Samburu culture.

Peninah tells us...

"We used your financial support to pay for materials to build the new Samburu huts. We will use the huts as Samburu Guest Houses. During the construction process, the Samburu women needed food and water, and we pay them monthly wages."

Peninah now has a new project. She wants to help the school in her home village Naiborkeju, where there are currently 2 classrooms, to build another 4 classrooms. She is currently seeking support for this. More information and a video will be shared shortly.

We appreciate every contribution to continue contributing to this project in the long term! ❀


We were delighted to receive pictures and a video from Colombia by Carolina LĂłpez.

"I am grateful for every grain of sand of support. Thanks to the members of Earth Prayers for believing in people who dream and strive every day to implement new cultural or sustainable ideas. Much love!"

Last year, the young Ticuna indigenous woman and her mother Silveria approached us with a big request. They are currently building a wooden house that will be the centerpiece of their gastronomic and cultural project in the community of Puerto Nariño on the Amazon. They aim to create a healthy gathering place where they can offer traditional, nutritious foods, as well as handicrafts made from regional materials. Thanks to two waves of support, the house is now almost finished!

"Now we just need to finish the bathroom and add a palm and wood canopy," writes Carolina.

We are thrilled! 😄



From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for our wonderful collaboration!

I wish you a great start to a fulfilling year in 2024!

May many seeds nurtured by the heart sprout and bring forth wonders.

Much love ❀

Sandra Schalamun

for Earth Prayers


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